Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Meaningful Writing?

Most writing these days have small, cliche meanings like "True love overcomes all obstacles" and all, but what writing truly has meaning to it? A few are:

  1. Song of the Sparrow- Lisa Ann Sandell
  2. The Giver trilogy- Lois Lowry
  3. Hush, Hush- Donna Jo Napoli
  4. Red Glass- Laura Resau
  5. Kira-Kira- Cynthia Kadahota
  6. Number the Stars- Lois Lowry
  7. Tuck Everlasting- Natalie Babbit
I've put aside my short stories to work on a novel I'm hoping I can finish. I carry this notebook around, small and made of postcards that my stationary supplier and extraordinare Rose Cunningham gave me. I write down ideas, floating in my mind and in the world around me. I've sort of planned a way to put all my random thoughts together into one large, meaningful story. These books have inspired me to really write the best I can be.

Books that have meaning and depth are books that I love best. Maybe I can make a story that I'm proud of. I write because I love to. Getting famous and earning money is only the bonus that follows (I hope!) But I wouldn't know, not being a writer and all...
Books with


emily said...

Lois Lowery is a great writer:)

Rose Cunningham said...

I understand what you mean with meaningful writing. And I love all of those books (well, the ones I've read, all but 2 or 3)! I think that you would be really great at writing writing with meaning. Hopefully I can too....