Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Where Am I? + 100!

Oh my gosh, Julia is my 100th follower! And I now have 101, oh my gosh, thank you so much everyone! You have no idea how much this means to me! :D :D :D I've been super busy with all the contests going on over at Pages, but I'm planning a big giveaway with some other bloggers, but it won't be anytime soon. You guys will love it :D

I found this crumpled piece of notebook paper while cleaning up the sea of trashy garbage that was my room (it's all sparkly now :D) and it was from 6th grade math class. My math teacher wasn't fond of me because I was too smart to be in a regular math class. I always finished really fast and had nothing to do, so this is a poem/lyric I wrote. I didn't have any music to go with it, maybe once I get famous, I'll sing it :D
(Where Am I?
I feel the beat of the valley
I hear the whistle of the wind
Where am I?
I feel the tickle of the grasslands
I hear the song of the river
Where am I?
I feel the hide of the stone
I hear the chirp of the birds
Where am I?)

I walk the road to everywhere
I cross the ocean of anyhwere
I like the mountain of troubles
to the tip of heaven
And I hear the voices of the world.

(rephrase the lines within the parenthesis but replace "Where am I" to "I know where I am")


emily said...


Rose I. Cunningham said...

Awesome! 101!!! WOW!
I like the lyrics, they are very pretty! I see why you like Roma Ryan's. There is a definite resemblance to yours and hers.