Friday, October 1, 2010

What Do You Think (2)?


What comes to mind when you view this picture? Any songs, stories, thoughts? Describe to me this girl and what her story is.


Bast said...

Wow, what a great picture! I'm gonna go a little Ferngully, but to me ...

This girl is a nature spirit and she's watching a bulldozer approaching her forest. Either that or she's watching a forest fire ravaging her home. She seems to have a look of shock, horror and fear on her face that I think would fit well with either of these two stories.

Golden Eagle said...

Hmmmm. I'd say she's noticing a new animal that she's never seen before, and is wondering if it's good or evil. I think her expression is more awed than horrified, but that's just me. :P

a_romatherapy said...

She is watching birds migrate. Maybe she longs to fly. She may be a human secluded in the forest, but she longs just like every other human. (Maybe she had a life in which she wasn't in the forest. Maybe she was a normal person living life how had to "fly away" and seeing the birds reminds her of her previous life and all the experiences that went with it...could explain the mixed emotions displaying on her face)