Sunday, November 28, 2010

Viola love!

I'm falling in love all over again with my viola. I really want to come up with a name, but no words come to mind. After all, it's music not words.

So yes. The sound is amazing, and it resonates for such a long time. If something touches it, a hollow sound of strings vibrates through the room.My teacher commented on how lovely my strings were. It was a fairly expensive $600 instrument. But my brother used and rented it for so long, that we could buy it. It's soft and light, and shiny. ~Sigh~

What disheartens me is that almost no one has heard of the viola. The main melodies and tunes are written for violins, when in history, the viola was first. I look up all my favourite songs online and they only come for violins. Of course, I could translate violin music to viola easily, but I can't play some notes that are super high on the E string, and besides, I don't want to go through all the trouble.

Anyways. In Orchestra, my teacher is biased towards violins, being a violin herself. She went to Julliard and studied the violin, even though she knew how to play cello, bass and viola, and piano. So you can see why she's pick violins.
She has this group, this group of popular, skinny, pretty-looking violins that she favours over the rest. Some have private training and are very good. Of course, there a bunch of other instruments who have private training but don't get the special treatment.
On the winter holiday/Veterans day celebration we had, my teacher and her group of violins were playing carols outside the auditorium. She didn't even ask anyone else if they would like to play!

But, I respect my teacher for being such a good teacher and for being the best. She's funny, sarcastic, and motherly, and so patient, I get mad at her sometimes. Haha.
So yes!
Want to help me with a name for my viola?


Priya said...

Violet the Viola! :D

Unknown said...

Um... something with a V? You know, I've never thought of an orchestra as like a group of different characters, where some are popular and some aren't, some are prettier or daintier than others, maybe some are mean and some are kind.... I like it :-)

LTM said...

it's gorgeous! And I love the viola. How about... hmm... do you like rhyming names?

Finola Viola. Wynola viola... LOL! OK, um. Beth? ;p

a_romatherapy said...

Can't say I have love for violas since I played the violin, but I can definitely respect it. Ms.Stevens is awesome! She gets mad and furious so easily, but its because she loves you. Also, it might help you that she not only majored in the violin but in the viola too. She told our class that she pre-ferred violas and violins, to cellos and basses because those were what she played. So, if you ever feel like shes being biased, think about how the cellos and basses feel. I'm glad you love her, a lot of people couldn't get past her furious nature, but as I say: all artists are crazy, its a product of having amazing talent and not enough people to appreciate it. :)

a_romatherapy said...

Oh yea, about the name. I won't give you need to pick that yourself. But think about your viola, what makes it special? What is the most amazing thing about? Think about those things and then either pick a name that correlates to those qualities or a name that seems to carry the essence of your viola. Hope it helps, tell me what you name it when you do!

Golden Eagle said...

I used to play in a Youth Ensemble, and there were several violas; I actually sat behind them in the 3rds. :) I love listening to them . . .

Blythe said...

I love my violin! I think I like the deeper sound of viola better though! :)

Blythe said...

Oh,I love your blog design by the way!