Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Dog

Photo Credit

This is a poem someone I know wrote. And it was so sad.

I was watching Turkish tv today -sunday- while doing the dishes. My parents were in the living room.
The news guy then starts talking about a dog that got beaten to death by 3 guys.
The dog was so small.
They showed the whole video.
Thank god my parents weren't in the kitchen.
I broke down.
I dont ever remember crying like that.
I would never cry for a person.
They show a lot of people dieing in turkey on the news.
But when they show me this . . .
i couldn't believe it.
I was crying so hard.
its not even funny.
But why am i telling you this?


Euphoria13 said...

o_o I would cry too if I saw a video of a poor little dog getting beaten up.

That is just... sad and horrible.

a_romatherapy said...

That is to sad. By the way, where do you find your photos? They work so well with your posts and they are so pretty if in a sad way!